Many dogs scarf down anything placed in front of them, so you may be wondering if your dog is picky or why your dog sniffs their food and walks away.
As loving dog owners, this can be tough to watch and may cause you to worry.
Here are some tips with feeding our meals:
- Warm it up a little: Microwave their food for 5-10 seconds. This will bring out all the savoury smells and make food more appealing to your picky pup. Just make sure it’s not too hot to avoid burns!
Cut out anything extra like table scraps and treats to ensure they’re hungry at mealtime.
Consider finding a quiet place for feeding time as they get used to their new food.
- Get a little exercise: Exercise often stimulates hunger. Take your pup for a short walk before meal time!
- Take away the bowl after 30 minutes of serving and try again later. Don’t let them train you to leave food out for them : ).